
The Software Plan

The board wont really do much without any software. The original Idea was for the device to be a self contained device that would allow you to edit the code directly on the device, and run it and test it too. There would be a few options


The ever popular MicroPython would be the first choice. It wouldnt be much of a job to get the device to be supported with the standard MircoPython system, but the idea would be to have it self contained. I need to speak to some people who can help make that happen!!

Native Linux

There have been a few posts about linux running on the ESP32S3. The bigger modules with more PSRAM would be needed, but its an interesting idea that needs more investigation…


At the end of the day, the device is supported in arduino. This means you could write whatever code you wanted to do whatever you like 🙂


I was made aware of this in the comments on Hackaday. I have yet to investigate, but its on the ToDo list